Leroy Garrett
Leroy Garrett was born in Mineral Wells, Texas in 1918, and grew up in Dallas. He graduated from Abilene Christian University, and earned graduate degrees from Southern Methodist University, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Harvard University. He was a professor of philosophy at MacMurray College in Illinois, Bethany College in West Virginia, Texas Woman’s University, and Bishop College in Dallas. He was a lecturer, editor, and author among Churches of Christ and Christian Churches for seventy years, having served as editor of Restoration Review for forty years.
In retirement he has been an adjunct professor at Richland College in Dallas, Dallas Christian College, and University of Dallas. He presently serves as caregver to his wife Ouida, and in recent years has published hundreds of email essays. The essays, along with numerous other of his writings, may be accessed at www.leroygarrett.org. He has been a visiting minister to Pecan Grove Church for over two decades.