Terry Booker
Terry Booker is the Dean of Instructional Outreach at Kilgore College. Sinced 1982, he has been part of the History & Government faculty at KC after earning a B.S. Ed. degree from Abilene Christian University and an M.A. degree from Texas A&M University. He was born in Nacogdoches, raised in Jasper, and his father, J.W. Booker was his high school History and Government teacher. J.W. Booker also served as a minister and elder in East Texas Churches of Christ for over forty years.
Terry has been teaching for 38 years – beginning at the junior high school level, continuing in high school, working as a college instructor, a department chairman, and now as a dean. He has served as a deacon or elder in four different Churches of Christ over the last thirty years, and he currently in one of the elders of the Alpine Church of Christ in Longview.
Terry’s wife, Virginia, is Chair of the Early Childhood Education department at Kilgore College, and she has degrees from both Abilene Christian and UT Tyler. They have two grown children who are also graduates of Abilene Christian, and in April, 2010, they became grandparents when Holt Bradley Booker was born.
Since 2005, Terry and Virginia have enjoyed regular visits to the Pecan Grove church and the opportunity to teach and share in it’s warm fellowship. Terry’s brother, Steve, made them aware of the Pecan Grove church through his regular speaking engagements, and both brothers have been blessed by the chance to share from the PG pulpit.